The SETI League, Inc., a membership-supported, non-profit {501(c)(3)}, educational and scientific organization Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

SETI League EME (Moonbounce) Station

Beacon Status Page
Data is recalculated every minute
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The graph below is the up-to-the minute status of the beacon.  Current information is at the left, historical (most recent hour) extends to the right.  At present, the transmit schedule is as follows:

First minute of every five:  Steady carrier
Second minute of every five:  CW ID (W2ETI W2ETI) at 10WPM

The transmit power is given by the height of the blue bar.  If the moon is below the horizon then transmission is disabled.
The red bar (hopefully within the blue bar) is the reverse power multiplied by 10.  I.e., if reverse power is shown as 40W, it's actually 4W.




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this page last updated 13 March 2006
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