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Book Reviews
- Radio Science for the Radio Amateur, by Eric Nichols, reviewed by Whit Reeve
- Big Ear Two, by John Kraus, reviewed by Whit Reeve
- How to Find Aliens, by Shin-ya Narusawa, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- The Varieties of Scientific Experience, by Carl Sagan, reviewed by Jon Lomberg
- Mathematical SETI, by Claudio Maccone
- The Elusive Wow, by Robert H. Gray, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- Solar System - the Book, by Marcus Chown
- Cosmos and Culture, edited by Steven Dick and Mark Lupisella, reviewed by Larry Klaes
- SETI Past, Present, and Future, edited by H. Paul Shuch, reviewed by Keith Cooper
- Solar System for iPad, by Marcus Chown
- SETI Past, Present, and Future, preview by H. Paul Shuch
- Confessions of an Alien Hunter, by Seth Shostak, reviewed by Paul Gilster
- Deep Space Flight and Communications, by Claudio Maccone, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved, by Frans de Waal
- Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology, by Caleb Scharf, reviewed by Paul Gilster
- Lonely Minds in the Universe, by Giancarlo Genta, reviewed by Ivan Almar
- Unmasking Europa, by Richard Greenberg
- Ham Radio's Technical Culture, by Kristen Haring, reviewed by Frank Etzler
- The Living Cosmos, by Chris Impey, reviewed by David Ocame
- Exoplanet Observing for Amateurs, by Bruce L Gary, reviewed by Vince Caracci
- Life in the Universe - a beginner's guide, by Lewis Dartnell
- The Intelligent Universe, by James N. Gardner, reviewed by David Ocame
- Amateur Radio Astronomy, by John Fielding, ZS5JF
- Television's Pirates, by Robert Cooper, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- The Quantum Zoo, by Marcus Chown
- Stargazer, by Fred Watson, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe, by Alexey V. Arkhipov
- Biocosm, by James N. Gardner, reviewed by David Ocame
- SETI 2020, by the SETI Institute, reviewed by David Ocame
- Lonely Planets, by David Grinspoon, reviewed by Athena Andreadis
- The Listeners, by James E. Gunn, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- If The Universe Is Teeming With Aliens... Where Is Everybody? reviewed by Milan M. Cirkovic
- Faster than the Speed of Light by Joćo Magueijo, reviewed by Philip Morrison
- Children of the Stars by Daniel R. Altschuler
- The Life and Death of Planet Earth by Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee
- Distant Wanderers by Bruce Dorminey, reviewed by Allen Tough
- Shockingly Close to the Truth! by James W. Moseley & Karl T. Pflock, reviewed by Daniel Boyd Fox
- Probability 1 by Amir D. Aczel, reviewed by Brent Bedford
- The Universe Next Door, reviews by David Hughes and A. Heather Wood
- Tune In The Universe! by H. Paul Shuch
- The Stars of Heaven by Cliff Pickover
- Life Everywhere, reviewed by Albert A. Harrison
- When SETI Succeeds, reviewed in Scientific American
- To Seek Out New Life: The Biology of Star Trek, reviewed by Larry Klaes
- E. T., Call Springer-Verlag! by Athena Andreadis
- Sommes-nous seuls dans l'univers? reviewed by Elisabeth Piotelat
- After Contact, reviewed by Melvin Lewis
- Are We Alone In The Universe? reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- Life on Other Worlds and How to Find It, reviewed by H. Paul Shuch
- Passport to the Cosmos, reviewed by Albert A. Harrison
- Contact: Are We Ready For It? reviewed by Kendrick Frazier
- Are We Alone? reviewed by Alex Antonites
- Aliens by Andrew J. Clark and David H. Clark
- Surfing Through Hyperspace by Cliff Pickover
- two Carl Sagan biographies, reviewed by Philip Morrison
- Selenites by Alexey V. Arkhipov
- The Demon-Haunted World, reviewed by Gary McGath
- Mini-Reviews by R. J. Fear
- The Hubble Wars, reviewed by Richard Tyndall
- Sharing the Universe, reviewed by Larry Klaes
- Visions by Michio Kaku
- After Contact by Albert A. Harrison
- Venus Revealed by David Harry Grinspoon