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SETI League Regional Websites
Please click on the country name below to visit the SETI League regional website (if available), and on the volunteer's name to send email to the Regional Coordinator or Committee Chair indicated. If a position is vacant, you may click on "vacant" to volunteer your services to The SETI League, Inc.
Content Note: The sites linked from this list are maintained by our individual volunteer Regional Coordinators. The SETI League assumes no responsibility for their content. See our Web Contents Disclaimer.
Regional Coordinators
Region | Coordinator |
Argentina | Mario Carlos Bertoa |
Australia, Eastern | Noel Welstead |
Australia, Central | Graham Wiseman |
Australia, Western | Guido Nigro |
Austria | Vacant |
Belgium | Vacant |
Brazil | Fabio Oliveira |
British West Indies | Mark Pankhurst |
Bulgaria | Artur Dworak |
Canada, Northern | Lori Walton |
Canada, Eastern | Stephane Dumas |
Canada, Central | Allen Tough |
Canada, Western | Mohammad Ali Kia |
Chile | Felipe Cabrera |
China | Lo Wai Cheung |
Columbia | Ignacio Barraquer |
Costa Rica | Vacant |
Croatia | Hrvoje Horvat |
Czech Republic | Pavel Farkas |
Denmark | Allan Jensen |
Ecuador | Peter Schenkel |
England | Jenny Bailey |
Finland | Michael Fletcher |
France | Elisabeth Piotelat |
Germany | Peter Wright |
Greece | Georgadas Vagelis |
Guam | Vacant |
Honduras | Vacant |
Hungary | Zoltan Farkas |
Iceland | Reynir Godmundsson |
India | Kaustubh Karandikar |
Ireland, Northern | Tom Carlisle |
Ireland, Republic of | Brian MacRory |
Israel | David Avnir |
Italy | Alberto Zagni |
Japan | Sumio Nakane |
Jordan | Mohammed Murad |
Korea, Republic of | Il-Kyoung Arnold Kwoun |
Kuwait | Jasem Mutlaq |
Luxembourg | Vacant |
Malaysia | Vacant |
Malta | Lawrence Simpson |
Mexico | Vacant |
Netherlands | Nicolaas Heijblok |
New Zealand | Graham Vincent |
Norway | Bjorn Gittle Hauge |
Panama | Vacant |
Papua New Guinea | Vacant |
Peru | Rolando Villanueva |
Poland | Artur Dworak |
Portugal | Jose Anton Alves Moreira |
Romania | Marcel Nastase |
Russia | Alexander L. Zaitsev |
Saudi Arabia | Vacant |
Scotland | Vacant |
Siberia | Vacant |
Slovenia | Marko Cebokli |
South Africa | Prof. Alex Antonites |
Spain | Magin Casamitjana |
Sri Lanka | Vacant |
Sweden | Lennart Grebelius |
Switzerland | Christian Monstein |
Tunisia | Mani Hamdi |
Turkey | Vacant |
Ukraine | Alexey V. Arkhipov |
US, North Central | Don Lallier |
US, Northeast | Robert A. Lodder |
US, Northwest | Tom Sanders |
US, South Central | Steve Carver |
US, Southeast | Tom Crowley |
US, Southwest | vacant |
US, Alaska | Edward Cole |
US, California | Rein A. Smit |
US, Hawaii | Rachel Tortolini |
US, Puerto Rico | Jaime Santiago |
Venezuela | Gabriel Medinas |
Virgin Islands | James Petrait |
Wales | vacant |
SETI League Committee Chairs