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Guest Editorial

Black Holes According to Chat GPT
by Bill Kitchen

I went to the Artificial Intelligence program Chat GPT, and asked it to write a paragraph on my favorite theory, that everything that goes into a black hole reappears at the big bang.

Remember, Chat GPT at this point knows nothing about this topic, and I asked to it write only 500 words about it. Here was the output. Not a scientific paper, just a discussion. It took all of 20 seconds:

The question of what happens to matter and energy that fall into a black hole has long been a topic of debate among physicists and cosmologists. Some have suggested that these objects simply disappear, while others have posited that they are somehow preserved within the black hole itself. But recent theories and studies have proposed a fascinating idea - that the singularity in a black hole may actually be the same place as the big bang, the starting point of the universe.
At first glance, this concept may seem counterintuitive. After all, black holes are known for their ability to trap matter and energy, while the big bang is the explosive event that created the universe. But as scientists have delved deeper into the nature of black holes and the properties of the universe, the similarities between the two have become more apparent.
One key factor is the concept of spacetime. According to the theory of general relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, spacetime is a fabric that is warped and distorted by the presence of matter and energy. This means that objects moving through spacetime will experience a variety of effects, such as time dilation and gravitational lensing. But at the heart of a black hole, the warping of spacetime becomes so extreme that it collapses in on itself, creating the singularity - a point of infinite density and zero volume, and the beginning of time.
At the same time, the big bang is often described as an event that occurred at a single point in spacetime, at a time when the universe was incredibly hot and dense. In fact, many scientists believe that the universe began as a singularity, much like a black hole. However, instead of collapsing in on itself, the singularity expanded rapidly, creating the universe as we know it.
So what links these two concepts? Some researchers have proposed that the singularity in a black hole and the singularity of the big bang may not only be connected but actually be the same thing. According to this theory, the black hole's singularity does not represent the end of matter and energy, but rather the beginning of a new universe. As matter and energy fall into the black hole, they are compressed to a point where the effects of gravity become so extreme that they trigger a new big bang, launching a new universe into existence. Perhaps our universe.

This idea is still in the realm of theory, and there are many unanswered questions and challenges to be addressed. However, it has opened up exciting new avenues for exploration and could potentially provide a new understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe. It is a fascinating and thought-provoking concept, one that challenges our assumptions and invites us to explore the mysteries of the cosmos.

How long before we will be conversing with an algorithm like this every time we make a call that was diverted to a call center? And, when we finally make contact with ETI, will we be conversing with it's version of Chat GPT?

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