SETI League supporters in those few countries not authorized to use PayPal may donate via the JustGive or Network for Good secure servers.
PayPal Sign Up Instructions:
To use the secure PayPal payment transfer service, you must first register as a user, and then follow the links to register a credit card. There is no charge for this registration and, in fact, PayPal often runs promotions which offer users a signup bonus! Simply follow the instructions on the PayPal website.
Transaction Instructions:
First, please fill out and submit the membership and order form on The SETI League website, keeping track of the total you wish to contribute. Then log on to either PayPal, JustGive, or Network for Good, follow the links to the payment page, and indicate the amount you wish to contribute to The SETI League. We will receive your payment and process your order. There is no charge to you for the use of this service. The SETI League, Inc. pays normal bank credit card transaction charges, plus a small handling fee.
Note: When remitting via PayPal, please tell them that your contribution goes to the email address <>.
Special Opportunity:
For a limited time, if you sign up with PayPal using this link, or tell them you were referred by <>, you can earn a $5 bonus for yourself, and an extra $5 for The SETI League.
Because The SETI League depends upon the volunteer efforts of its members, it may take us up to three weeks after receipt of your payment to process your orders or memberships. We thank you for your patience.
Donors, Please Note: you can also use PayPal, Network for Good, or JustGive to make tax-deductible contributions to The SETI League Endowment Fund.
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