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The SETI League, Inc. Endowment Fund

The SETI League, Inc., although a young organization, has developed ambitious long-range educational and scientific goals to bring us closer to fulfilling the objectives of our Mission Statement. Financial resources must be secured to guarantee sufficient means to meet these program objectives if we are to avoid the fiscal fate of the late NASA SETI Office. The most realistic solution to the responsibility of providing for the financial stability of The SETI League is to develop a permanent endowment trust fund.

With a professionally managed fund, expenditures may be restricted so that the principal may remain in perpetuity, with only earned income used annually to support educational and scientific programs. There are many ways that a gift to such a fund may be made to provide the greatest possible tax advantages for the donor. In addition, a planned gift will help the donor achieve financial and estate planning objectives.

Outright gifts of cash, securities, real estate, or other forms of real property will help provide immediate income through the trust fund. For those who choose to make other than an immediate gift, gifts may be made by bequest, a gift of life insurance, a charitable remainder trust, a gift annuity, or other types of trusts.

Contribute to The SETI League Endowment Fund via:

contribute via Network for Good contribute via JustGive.Org

Traditional Methods of Making Endowment Gifts

Proper Language for Endowment Gifts

For those wishing to make gifts to the Endowment Fund, the proper language to be used as a legal designation is: "The SETI League, Inc. Endowment Fund." This designation may be used in a will, codicil, charitable gift, life insurance policy, etc., for outright or other direct gifts. It is recommended that this language be used in a letter from the donor to the Executive Director of The SETI League, Inc.

The SETI League, Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a [501(c)(3)] charitable organization.

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