SETI League Photo Gallery

Dr. SETI's Lecture Photos
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Event organizers are invited to download any of these pictures for use in promoting events on any of Dr. SETI's Concert and Lecture Tours. They may be used freely on billboards, posters, in program books, and in newspaper and magazine articles or advertisements. Click on the thumbnails to download high-resolution images. A series of opening lecture slides, which make good poster backdrops, is also available for download from Dr. SETI's Abstracts Page.
In his Dr. SETI persona, SETI League executive director H. Paul Shuch travels the world, promoting the scientific Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence while performing with such luminaries as the notorious radio personality Dr. Demento TM.
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At a recent science colloquium at the University of Kentucky, Dr. SETI contemplates a fundamental question which has haunted humankind since first we realized that the points of light in the night sky are other suns: Are We Alone?
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PowerPoint technology allows Dr. SETI to present vibrant visuals, tailored to each particular audience.
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For H. Paul Shuch, the author, scientist and educator popularly known as Dr. SETI, the best part of touring college campus and science centers around the world is interacting with bright, eager students of all ages.
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And of course, no Dr. SETI lecture would be complete without a few of his inimitable SETI filk songs.
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Dr. SETI on tour at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute in North Carolina (the world's largest privately owned radio telescope facility).
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Dr. SETI field-testing an experimental portable radio telescope system. By prior arrangement (and with appropriate logistical support), he can demonstrate such systems as part of a college campus lecture visit.
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At the Pennsylvania College of Technology (Penn State) in Williamsport PA, Dr. SETI pioneered commissioning satellite television receive antennas for radio astronomy and SETI research.
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Event organizers are welcome to use this formal studio portrait of Dr. SETI for promotional purposes.
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Here is Dr. SETI's business card. (Click on thumbnail to download larger image.)
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Click here for lots more pictures.