small logo SETI League Technical Manual -- Receivers

Interference Profile of an ICOM 7100 Receiver

Editor's Note: See this article for information on how to generate your own custom radio frequency interference (rfi) database using the SETIFOX digital signal processing program.

All heterodyne type receivers are subject to various forms of internal and external interference, and the ICOM receivers popular for SETI are no exception. SETI League member Alfred A. Aburto Jr. has tested an ICOM model IC-R7100 reciever to determine its internally generated interference profile.

Al's test was performed by removing the antenna from his receiver, and scanning its entire frequency range (25.000 MHz to 1999.995 MHz) in 5 kHz steps, in USB mode. He recommends that members building SETI stations prepare a similar interference database for any receivers which they might happen to be using, so that signal analysis software can be "trained" to eliminate known interference from consideration.

FrequencyAudio Output
101.435 MHz tone, garble
119.085 MHz
121.500 MHz tone
133.905 MHz - 133.920 MHz, tone
164.300 MHz tone
185.750 MHz garble
197.745 MHz - 197.755 MHz garble
223.900 MHz tone
241.735 MHz tone
252.435 MHz tone
256.000 MHz buzz
266.700 MHz tone (low freq)
266.705 MHz tone (high freq)
294.930 MHz tone
307.200 MHz tone
326.300 MHz tone
333.330 MHz tone
343.205 MHz
369.100 MHz tone
441.105 MHz - 441.120 MHz
460.800 MHz tone
471.500 MHz tone (low freq)
471.505 MHz tone (high freq)
477.250 MHz buzz
481.750 MHz garble
490.600 MHz tone
512.000 MHz buzz
621.220 MHz tone
621.235 MHz tone
621.250 MHz buzz
625.750 MHz garble
693.190 MHz tone
693.205 MHz tone
693.220 MHz tone (loud)
693.235 MHz tone (loud)
693.250 MHz tone (loud)
693.300 MHz tone
693.315 MHz tone
693.330 MHz tone
693.345 MHz tone
697.735 MHz - 697.765 MHz garble
716.800 MHz tone
733.745 MHz - 733.760 MHz garble
735.900 MHz tone
746.600 MHz tone
768.000 MHz tone
801.250 MHz tone
805.745 MHz - 805.755 MHz garble
929.940 MHz intermittent tones
931.110 MHz BB noise
931.285 MHz - 931.295 MHz intermittent BB noise
931.535 MHz tone
953.105 MHz - 953.120 MHz tone
1002.600 MHz tone
1024.000 MHz buzz
1055.555 MHz tone
1111.115 MHz tone
1119.085 MHz tone
1121.500 MHz tone
1147.535 MHz tone
1164.300 MHz tone
1164.305 MHz tone
1166.670 MHz tone (loud)
1222.225 MHz tone (loud)
1241.735 MHz tone
1252.435 MHz tone
1266.700 MHz tone
1277.780 MHz tone (loud)
1333.335 MHz tone (loud)
1369.100 MHz tone
1388.890 MHz tone (loud)
1441.105 MHz tone
1444.445 MHz BB tone (loud)
1471.500 MHz tone
1477.250 MHz BB tone
1481.750 MHz garble
1500.000 MHz buzz
1512.000 MHz tone (low freq)
1536.000 MHz tone
1555.555 MHz BB tone
1611.115 MHz BB tone
1621.220 MHz tones (low level)
1625.740 MHz - 1625.765 MHz garble
1666.670 MHz tone (loud)
1686.405 MHz - 1686.420 MHz tone
1722.225 MHz tone
1735.900 MHz tone
1768.000 MHz tone (low freq)
1777.780 MHz tone (loud)
1792.000 MHz tone
1833.335 MHz tone
1881.100 MHz tone
1888.890 MHz tone
1931.535 MHz tone
1944.445 MHz tone (loud)
1953.105 MHz - 1953.120 MHz garble
1977.735 MHz BB tone
1978.600 MHz BB tone
1978.605 MHz tone
1988.700 MHz tone
1999.550 MHz tone
1999.920 MHz - 1999.995 MHz BB noise increases greatly

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