In March 2002, F5PL received our W2ETI 1296 MHz moonbounce beacon at Castlenaudry, in Southeast France. His station consists of a home-built 7 meter parabolic dish antenna on an automatized tracking system with 0.5 degree angular accuracy, F1EHN tracking software, a W2IMU feed at the focus of this dish, and an ATF 10136 GaAs FET preamp with a noise figure of about 0.8 dB. Our beacon is clearly visible as a steady carrier from 0000 UTC to 0001 UTC, followed by thirty seconds of Morse Code ID (the broken line). The slope of the trace clearly shows the EME signal's characteristic 25 Hz/minute Doppler signature. The continuous vertical trace seen at the right of the screen is a test signal from an HP synthesized signal generator locked to a rubidium clock (its slope shows the slight frequency drift of Bertrand's receiver). We figure the average Project Argus station will receive our EME echoes about six dB weaker -- faint, but still detectable.
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30 March 2002