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Best Ideas Awards
Rules and Regulations

  1. Each year, the Editors of Contact In Context, an online, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by The SETI League, Inc., will choose two publications to receive "Best Ideas Awards". The aim of these awards is to highlight recent publications that have contributed especially fresh, bold, profound ideas that are valuable to people engaged in the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

  2. Normally, one award each year will go to a paper or essay published in Contact in Context during the previous 12 months. The other can recognize any type of publication at all (such as a book, chapter, journal article, conference paper, journal, web document, or monograph) or a forum that encourages excellent ideas.

  3. Each award shall consist of a certificate and a check for $500 US. If the publication has two authors, each of the authors will receive a certificate and a check for $250 US. If it has more than two authors, they will decide among themselves how the cash honorarium is to be divided.

  4. The Editors may occasionally choose one or more publications worthy of Honorable Mention. The senior author of publications so honored will receive a check for $200 US.

  5. Suggestions for consideration, and self-recommendations from authors, are welcomed. Send them to Dr. Robert A. Lodder (CIC Editor-in-Chief) and to Dr. Allen Tough (CIC Editor) using the Suggestions for Consideration form provided on The SETI League website, or via email to them both at lodder_at_uky_dot_edu and sghi_at_ieti_dot_org.

  6. Neither authors nor those suggesting works for consideration need be members of The SETI League, Inc. Membership status will not be a criterion in selection for this Award (although SETI League membership is of course encouraged).

  7. The Editors reserve the right to present more or fewer than two awards in any given year.

  8. The Editors reserve the right to present no award in any given year.

  9. Awards shall be presented at The SETI League's annual Awards Banquet, or such other SETI forum as the Editors may dictate.

  10. All decisions of the Board of Trustees of The SETI League, Inc., with respect to interpretation of the rules presented herein or subsequently amended, shall be final.

  11. These Rules and Regulations shall have the force and effect of Bylaws of The SETI League, Inc. They may be amended as necessary from time to time by the Board of Trustees. Amendments or revisions shall become effective as of 0001 UTC on the day following the date of their posting to the World Wide Web site of The SETI League, Inc.

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