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Improved Antenna Aids Alien Search
For more information contact: Dr. H. Paul Shuch, Executive Director
(201) 641-1770, or email info_at_setileague_dot_org

For Immediate Release

LITTLE FERRY, NJ.., January 11, 1997 -- An innovative antenna feedhorn designed by engineers at the non-profit SETI League, Inc. is being offered commercially by Radio Astronomy Supplies of Roswell, GA, under an agreement just announced by the two organizations. The device will significantly improve the sensitivity of microwave recevers being used by SETI League members in their radio Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. The company is offering a discount off the list price to members of the tax-exempt educational and scientific organization, with a portion of profits being donated to The SETI League's research fund.

Radio Astronomy Supplies, a privately held company, is operated by Jeffrey M. Lichtman, the original president of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA). Just as amateur optical astronomers have achieved great success in discovering comets and asteroids, SARA members have been responsible for numerous scientific discoveries and technological innovations since the group was founded by Lichtman in 1981. An electrical engineer specializing in microwave communications, Lichtman became an amateur radio astronomer in 1964, and is a former senior engineer with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation.

SETI scientists seek to determine through microwave and optical measurements whether humankind is alone in the universe. Since Congress terminated NASA's SETI funding in 1993, The SETI League and other scientific groups have been attempting to privatize the research. Experimenters interested in participating in the search for intelligent alien life, or citizens wishing to help support it, should email to join_at_setileague_dot_org, check the SETI League Web site at, send a fax to +1 (201) 641-1771, or contact The SETI League, Inc. membership hotline at +1 (800) TAU-SETI. Be sure to provide us with a postal address to which we will mail further information. The SETI League, Inc. is a membership-supported, non-profit [501(c)(3)], educational and scientific corporation dedicated to the electromagnetic Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

P.S. Tearsheets are always appreciated. Thank you.

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