Webmaster's Note:
Dear SETIzens,
For nearly two decades, The SETI League has provided a series of communications outlets for its members, through various email discussion groups, web forums, and distribution lists. With the increasing popularity of Social Networking, we have disbanded these obsolete media, in favor of Facebook. We encourage our members and the general public to participate in discussions about the technical, scientific, and cultural aspects of SETI on our Facebook page. These discussions are open to anyone "Liking" our Facebook page, and will be moderated only to the extent necessary to ensure that all posts respect the spirit of The SETI League's stated Vision and Mission.
Thank you for your participation.
Yours for SETI Success,
The information below, which deals with dormant forums and groups, is retained for historical purposes only.
This unmoderated list is open to the general public. SETI League membership is encouraged, but not required.
The SETI League also maintains several additional special-interest email lists, as follows:
Rules and Policies pertaining to the Public list
Since the Public list is subsidized by SETI League members through their dues contributions, several constraints have been imposed upon this open forum.
In the event of any conflict in bandwidth or resources between the needs of the open Public email list and The SETI League's scientific mission and program requirements, the latter will take precedence.
To subscribe to the Public list, send an email to majordomo at setileague dot org, and type "subscribe public me@email.adr" in the body (where "me@email.adr" must be replaced by the email address from which you will post messages to the List).
Many list participants have multiple email addresses. Please make sure that all subscribe and unsubscribe requests bear the same "from" email address as the address you are in fact subscribing or unsubscribing!
Please note that your posts will only be accepted and passed on if they originate from the exact email address which you used to subscribe. If you post from another email address, even though you are a registered list participant, that email will bounce to the List Administrator, who will have to try to figure out from the email address who you are, and if you are a subscribed user. Since most such posts simply end up falling into the Black Hole of Binaria, please be sure to remember the email address under which you are subscribed, and use it as "from" for all your posts.
Once registered, users will receive a detailed email telling you how to post to the list. Your postings should then be addressed to public at setileague dot org. Postings will be sent to the email address from which your subscribe message originated. Please do not send email to this address if you are not registered to the Public list. Users are asked to keep posts short, to the point, respectable, and on topic.
If you later wish to unsubscribe from this list, it will be necessary to send an email to majordomo at setileague dot org, with "unsubscribe public me@email.adr" typed in the body (where "me@email.adr" is as described above). Please do not email to the Executive Director, or the Secretary, or post a message to the list asking to be removed; nobody else can unsubscribe you from the list. And please note that any unsubscribe requests must be sent from the exact email address under which you subscribed, as the majordomo program looks at the "from" line to know who to remove.
Should your email address change, it will be necessary for you first to unsubscribe your old address, per paragraph 6 above, and then resubscribe under your new address, per paragraph 3 above. Please do not post a meassage to the List, or send a message to SETI League headquarters, asking that your email address be changed. Only the MajorDomo software can make that change for you, and such actions must be initiated by you.
Our list manager respectfully requests that you not attach files to your emails posted to the list. Remember that your attachments (especially graphics) are extremely bandwidth-intensive, and that they would be going to not one, but perhaps hundreds of recipients, many of whom may be paying by the minute for connect time. If you have a graphic or other file which may be of interest to the list, please post a text message describing it and declaring its availability, and then send it individually (off-list) to anyone requesting it. In other words:
Thanks for your cooperation.
SETI League member Stephen Zarkos has graciously volunteered to maintain monthly archives of List discussions, arranged by thread, on his Website at http://seti.sentry.net/. The archives are open to the public, and all are invited to browse.
Occasionally, participants will report that they haven't received any messages in quite some time, and ask if they have been removed from the list. Yes, despite our best efforts to maintain email lists, people do occasionally inexplicably disappear from them. Former SETI League Internet Services chair Bob Cutter explains: "If mail is bounced back to the server, the name is removed from the list. Why is the mail bounced back? Many reasons: mailbox full because you are on holiday, you are a student and the term has ended, you dropped your AOL account, one of the computers in the chain had a bad day, etc. Nothing sinister going on or intended."
If you feel this has happened to you, simply re-subscribe per the above instructions, and accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
All administrative-type messages, such as subscribe, unsubscribe, or resubscribe requests, as discussed above, must be addressed to majordomo at setileague dot org. Do not address such messages to the list itself, via public at setileague dot org, as they will not be acted upon, but will instead be sent to every list participant.
The MajorDomo list manager software used by all SETI League email discussion lists has a few specific words reserved for administrative requests. The valid administrative requests most frequently generated by List members are "subscribe" and "unsubscribe". All too many members erroneously send such requests to the entire list, rather than to the list processor address majordomo @ setileague.org (see above). Thus, MajorDomo is set to reject any message posted to the List which contains these words in the text. If you have a legitimate need to use the words "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the text of any messages posted to the List, and choose not to use synonyms, please insert hyphens, thus: "sub-scribe"; "un-sub-scribe". Otherwise, your message will be blocked.
Note: this requirement applies to messages addressed to public at setileague dot org specifically. Any actual administrative requests sent to majordomo at setileague dot org may indeed contain the words "subscribe" or "unsubscribe".
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