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SETI League Advisory Board

  1. The SETI League, Inc. shall convene a select Advisory Board to provide independent input to the Board of Trustees in both technical and general matters pertaining to SETI League organization, operation, and policy.

  2. A maximum of seven (7) individuals may be appointed to the Advisory Board by the Executive Director of The SETI League, Inc., subject to confirmation by the Board of Trustees, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees, without compensation, for an unspecified term of office.

  3. Advisory Board members serve as individuals, and not as representatives of any corporation, agency, government, or organization.

  4. Advisory Board members agree to lend their names to, and voice their support for, the goals of The SETI League, Inc., as articulated in its published Vision and Mission statements.

  5. Advisory Board members agree to have their names listed on the masthead, letterhead, membership roster, and website of The SETI League, Inc. The degree to which their personal contact information is provided to the general membership shall be at the sole discretion of the individual Advisory Board member.

  6. Advisory Board members are encouraged, but not required, to attend Annual and Special meetings of The SETI League, Inc., as well as Regular and Special meetings of its Board of Trustees.

  7. The Advisory Board is encouraged to make recommendations to the The Board of Trustees of The SETI League, Inc. regarding any business which may come before the Trustees.

  8. The Board of Trustees of The SETI League, Inc. may, at their sole discretion, accept or reject recommendations of the Advisory Board.

  9. Advisory Board members shall incur no financial obligation to The SETI League, Inc., aside from any voluntary membership dues and contributions which they may, at their sole discretion, choose to remit.

  10. Advisory Board members are encouraged to make public statements about SETI science, technology, and policy, but do so solely as individuals. Advisory Board members do not speak for The SETI League, Inc., its Board of Trustees, members, donors, or supporters.

  11. In the interest of preserving the best interests of The SETI League, Inc., appointments to the Advisory Board may be terminated by the Board of Trustees at any time, for any reason.

  12. Members of The SETI League, Inc. Advisory Board are encouraged display a facsimile of the official Seal of The SETI League, Inc. in their personal correspondence, and in electronic media such as (but not limited to) World Wide Web personal Home Pages. Advisory Board members are encouraged to inform The SETI League, Inc. of any such electronic reproduction or distribution which they make of said Seal.

  13. These Rules and Regulations shall have the force and effect of Bylaws of The SETI League, Inc. They may be amended as necessary from time to time by the Board of Trustees. Amendments or revisions shall become effective as of the date of their posting to the World Wide Web site of The SETI League, Inc.

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