Rio Scale

SETI Post-Detection
A Post-Detection Subcommittee has been established, to replace the Post-Detection Science and Technology Subcommittee which existed under the former IAA SETI Committee.
Chair: Paul Davies, USA
Deputy Chair: Carol Oliver, Australia
Terms of Reference:
- The SETI Post-Detection Subcommittee exists under the authority of the IAA SETI Permanent Commmittee (SPC) and will report to it annually.
- The purpose of the Subcommittee is to prepare, reflect on, manage, advise, and consult in preparation for and upon the discovery of a putative signal of extraterrestrial intelligent (ETI) origin.
- The Subcommittee is empowered to call upon other consultants for specialist help.
- The membership of the Subcommittee shall be interdisciplinary and international.
- Membership of the Subcommittee will be as deemed necessary by the chair.
- The chair of the Subcommittee will be appointed by the SPC, and the chair may appoint one or more deputies as he/she sees fit.
- The Subcommittee aims the raise the profile of SETI.
Members of the Post-Detection Taskgroup (February 2008)
Ivan Almar | Konkoly Observatory, Hungary |
Stephen Baxter | British Interplanetary Society, UK |
Paul Davies | Arizona State University, USA |
Kathryn Denning | York University, Canada |
John Elliott | Leeds University, UK |
Claudio Maccone | International Academy of Astronautics, Italy |
Karl Menten | Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Germany |
Ian Morison | Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK |
Paolo Musso | Universita dell'Insubria, Italy |
Ray Norris | CSIRO Australia Telescope, Australia |
Carol Oliver | Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Australia |
Tom Pierson | SETI Institute, USA |
Margaret Race | SETI Institute, USA |
V. Radhakrishnan | Raman Research Institute, India |
Martin Rees | Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK |
Seth Shostak | SETI Institute, USA |
H. Paul Shuch | SETI League, USA |
William Stoeger | Vatican Observatory, USA |
Jill Tarter | SETI Institute, USA |
Doug Vakoch | SETI Institute, USA |
Lori Walton | Tigerstar Geoscience, Canada |
Dan Werthimer | University of California at Berkeley, USA |