Rio Scale

Leadership Criteria and Selection Procedures
The activities of the SETI Permanent Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) are directed by a leadership team consisting of four Officers: a Chair, two Co-Chairs, and a Secretary. Qualifications for these leadership positions, terms of office, duties, and the process followed for their selection, are as follows.
- Per IAA requirements, the Chair of the IAA SPC shall be a Full Member or Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics.
- The Chair shall be elected by majority vote of the IAA SPC membership.
- The elected Chair shall serve a five year term of office, and may thereafter be re-elected to not more than one additional five year term.
- The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the SPC, and shall vote on business coming before the SPC only as required to break a tie.
- In order to be eligible for elevation to the office of Chair, should a vacancy occur, the two Vice-Chairs shall be Full Members or Corresponding Members of the International Academy of Astronautics.
- The Vice-Chairs shall be appointed by the Chair, with consideration given to geographical diversity, and will serve at the pleasure of the Chair, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the SPC.
- Each Vice-Chair shall be prepared to preside over SPC meetings in the absence of the Chair.
- The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair, with consideration given to his or her availability to attend SPC meetings, and will serve at the pleasure of the Chair, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the SPC.
- The Secretary of the SPC need not be a member of the International Academy of Astronautics.
- In order to ensure continuity of leadership, in the event of the Chair's expiration of term of office, resignation, or inability to serve, a new Chair will be elected by majority vote of the SPC membership, from among the two Vice-Chairs.
- In the event that neither of the Vice-Chairs is able or willing to assume the Chair, a new Chair will be elected, by majority vote of the SPC, from among the SPC membership at large.
- In the election or confirmation of officers, provisions will be made for allowing SPC members to cast votes by electronic means.
- These policies shall be reviewed from time to time by the SPC membership, and may be amended by majority vote of the SPC membership in attendance at any of its meetings held in conjunction with the annual International Astronautical Congress.