Rio Scale

Membership Criteria and Selection Procedures
The SETI Permanent Committee (SPC) of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) is constantly seeking qualified members with a strong professional or academic background in those fields of the Physical and Social Sciences most closely related to SETI research. Successful candidates will have a demonstrated record of positive contributions to SETI science. Qualifications for membership, and the process followed for selection of members, are as follows.
- Prospective members of the IAA SPC shall be nominated, in writing or via electronic communication, by one or more current and active SPC members.
- Nominations may be submitted to the Chair, or any Co-Vice Chair, of the SPC.
- For consideration, a nominee must confirm his or her willingness to serve, and to attend SPC meetings (generally held in conjunction with the annual International Astronautical Congress) on a regular basis.
- There shall be no membership dues, fees, or charges associated with service on the SPC.
- All successful nominees serve as SPC members at large, and do not represent any particular government, organization, or entity.
- Membership in the IAA, though desirable, is not a condition of membership on the SPC.
- Nominees will be evaluated by a Membership Committee consisting of the Chair and Co-Vice Chairs of the SPC.
- Names of those Nominees deemed qualified by the Membership Committee will be submitted to the entire SPC, for consideration at the next regular SPC Meeting being held in conjunction with the annual International Astronautical Congress.
- Nominees will be encouraged to attend the SPC meeting at which their nominations are being considered, and to present themselves and their qualifications to the entire SPC membership.
- After providing all nominees with an opportunity to introduce themselves, the SPC will enter closed Executive Session, to permit its members to discuss nominees.
- Prior to adjourning such Executive Session, SPC members will vote on nominees by show of hands. If any SPC member so requests, the election of any nominee will be conducted by secret ballot.
- Those nominees elected to SPC membership will serve a five-year, renewable term, which shall commence immediately upon election.
- Renewal of SPC memberships shall be at the discretion of the Membership Committee, and shall be conditioned upon a member's active participation and reasonable attendance at SPC meetings during the preceding membership term.
- The Chair of the SPC may from time to time, at his or her discretion and subject to review by the Committee, elevate distinguished members of this Committee to Member Emeritus status.
- These policies shall be reviewed from time to time by the SPC membership, and may be amended by majority vote of the SPC membership in attendance at any of its meetings held in conjunction with the annual International Astronautical Congress.