Rio Scale
Meeting Agendas
IAA SETI Permanent Committee
Monday, October 17, 2005
Fukuoka, Japan
The IAA SETI Permanent Committee is scheduled to meet in Fukuoka, Japan from 1400 to 1700 hours on Monday, 16 October 2005, in conjunction with the 56th International Astronautical Congress. The meeting will be in Room SP1 of the IAC venue.
- Review and approval of Minutes from Vancouver meeting.
- Review of two SETI sessions here at Fukuoka.
Reinstatement of Pesek Lecture.
Have eidmann ecture for SETI II?
Other possibilities: Roger eyns and Walter Sullivan.
Original idea was to name for someone who is deceased.
Suggestion by Allen Toug for "Billingham Cutting-Edge Lecture."
- Web site. Paul Shuch is willing to continue doing this.
Matter of $100 domain registration costs for 10 years.
- Publication of papers from past IAC's. Pierre Molette's communications.
Materials instructions for authors and editors.
Volunteers to be "guest editors."
How to choose papers?
Referee or just use rapporteur sheets?
Alternative is JBIS. Faster, less work.
- Continuing SETI activities within the IAC.
New thoughts?
- Subcommittee Reports.
- Lunar far-side (Maccone).
- Post-Detection (Oliver and Davies).
- Transmissions from Earth (Michaud).
- Transmission protocol change, and straw vote.
How to decide this. Need for democratic decision making in te face of small numbers of attendees. Suggestions by Michael Michaud that it be done by email, but that also incites relatively minimal response.
- Membership changes. Current membership list.
New members: Kathryn Denning nominated by Maccone and Tough.
Richard Carrigan, Lori Walton, and Yvan Dutil? Done at Paris?
Paul Davies?
- New business.
- SETI Dinner.
- Adjorunment.
IAA SETI Subgroups
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Fukuoka, Japan
The various SETI Subgroups will also meet in Room SP1, on Wednesday, 19 October 2005, as follows:
- SETI Subgroup I, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
- SETI Subgroup II, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- SETI Subgroup III, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Link to IAA.1.1 34th Review Meeting on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (including Abstracts)